Located in Cornwall, PE, we strive to help our communities with both awareness training and skills that will help our communities grow. Our goal is to remove the stigma surrounding the Mental Health challenges that we all face and give rise to the individual so they do not have to feel alone or feel like they are unable to talk about their current mental health.  


R.N, BScN, BEd, MEd, CNP

Michelle has worked in the Child and Mental Health field for more than 10 years. She is a Registered Nurse in both Prince Edward Island and Ontario and a Registered Teacher in Price Edward Island with a Masters Degree in education from St. Francis of Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada. Michelle is a Master Trainer for the ASIST program.


Tim has worked in the Information Technology field for more than 20 years. He specializes in VoIP communications and Client Server Technology. He has a Computer Programmer - Analyst diploma from Loyalist College in Belleville Ontario. He has graduated the Training for Trainers (T4T) course for ASIST in 2024.